Alcohol Was Invented So Ugly People Could Also Get Laid

Everyone knows that awful cliché: “Birds of a feather flock together”; well and I’ve realised that I’ve never really grasped the full reasoning behind this saying. Yes, it does mean that people who come from the same background will stick together, because you understand each other far easier than someone who comes from a different upbringing. I mean have you ever associated with an Oribite? They just don’t think about things, or function in the same way as the rest of normal society. Sorry… mean I know… but hey, I’m a mean person… deal with it. But the part that I never quite realised has to do with that other old saying: “Never date someone out of your league”.

Think about it… Whenever you see a really gorgeous girl with some old, bald guy you automatically think either, gold digger, he’s fantastic in bed, or her boss; no-one ever thinks wow lucky guy. As shallow as it is, no-one ever goes down a league place unless they can gain something from it. And of course you’ll look to go up… It makes you look brilliant being with someone whose better looking or younger or both. But I’m getting sidetracked… I’m not even talking about dating, or infatuations. My point is this: have you ever actually looked at various groups of people? This birds of a feather thing, doesn’t really have much to do with backgrounds, it all has to do with appearance. The people that you hang out with are a good indicator to what league you actually fit into. And depending on which group of people you go out with determines what type of people you may have random conversation with.

Seriously, how often do you see a group of really attractive people with one or two bottom-feeders? Hardly ever!! And if you do, the chances are that those one or two people hanging on are trying to make themselves feel better about being an ass monkey… and the attractive people are probably using them to buy drinks, do their homework, or gain a job promotion. And it works the other way round too… Don’t think I’m being one-sided… You hardly ever see a group of heinous looking obese prawns with really stunning looking people. And when you do, it’s usually because that one gorgeous person suffers from ugly duckling syndrome. That or they just really need to get laid… and let’s face it… your chances of success are far higher if you hang out with the beasts than with the beauties. It just makes you look that much better… And if you just happen to fall into the bottom-feeder category be thankful that alcohol was invented.. After all.. You drink cause they ugly and you horny!

Posted on February 28, 2009, in drinking, life, ugly. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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